Kill an Oracle RAC Session |
with my_session as ( select '1' sid, '39576' serial# from dual ) select '-- session_id(sid)=' || gv.sid || ' serial#=' || gv.serial# || ' status=' || gv.status || ' instance_id=' ||gv.inst_id || ' ' kill_session from gv$session gv, my_session c where gv.sid=c.sid and gv.serial#=c.serial# union all select 'alter system kill session '''|| gv.sid || ','|| gv.serial#|| ',@'||inst_id||''';' kill_session from gv$session gv, my_session c where gv.sid=c.sid and gv.serial#=c.serial# union all select 'alter system kill session '''|| gv.sid || ','|| gv.serial#|| ',@'||inst_id||''' immediate;' kill_session from gv$session gv, my_session c where gv.sid=c.sid and gv.serial#=c.serial#; |
Oracle Blocking Session |
select 'SID ' || blocker.sid || ' running ' || blocker.program || ' from machine ' || blocker.machine || ' logged in as ' || blocker.username || ' has been blocking SID ' || blocked.sid || ' for ' || blocked.last_call_et || ' seconds.' "Message", blocked.last_call_et "Seconds Blocked" from v$session blocked inner join v$session blocker on blocker.sid = blocked.blocking_session order by blocked.blocking_session; |
Sessions Stats |
set linesize 380 trimspool on pagesize 300 column program format a23 column machine format a23 column username format a14 column cnt format 9,999,999 select c.cnt total_session,b.cnt total_users_sess, a.* from (select count(*) single_user_sess,username,machine,status,program,osuser from v$session where type='USER' and status='INACTIVE' group by username,machine,status,program,osuser having count(*) > 5 order by single_user_sess desc, status,machine,username) a, (select count(*) cnt from v$session where type='USER') b, (select count(*) cnt from v$session) c; |
Object Locks And Session Blockers |
define MY_TABLE_NAME=XXX select * from v$locked_object; select * from dba_tables where table_name like '%&&MY_TABLE_NAME%' select * from dba_objects where object_name like '%&&MY_TABLE_NAME%' and last_ddl < sysdate -3; select * from dba_objects where object_name like '%&&MY_TABLE_NAME%' and last_ddl_time < sysdate -3 order by last_ddl_time desc; select * from v$parameter where name like '%job_queue_processes%'; select c.owner, c.object_name, c.object_type, b.sid, b.serial#, b.blocking_session, b.status, b.osuser, b.machine, b.program, b.sql_id, t.sql_text, t.sql_fulltext, a.* from v$locked_object a , v$session b, dba_objects c, v$sqlarea t where b.sid = a.session_id and a.object_id = c.object_id and t.sql_id = b.sql_id and object_name = '&&MY_TABLE_NAME' order by object_name ; |
Sessions Stats |
set pagesize 3000 set linesize 350 trimspool on select count(*) from v$process; select count(*) from v$session; select count(*) from v$session where type='USER'; select status, count(*) from v$session where type='USER' group by status; column machine format a32 column program format a32 set linesize 180 trimspool on select machine, status, count(*) from v$session where type='USER' group by machine,status having count(*) > 10; select machine, program, status, count(*) from v$session where type='USER' group by machine,program, status having count(*) > 6; -- username,machine,status select username,machine,status,count(*) from v$session where type='USER' group by username,machine,status; select username,machine,status,count(*) cnt from v$session where type='USER' group by username,machine,status having count(*) > 50 order by cnt desc, status,machine,username; select status,type,count(*) from v$session where type='USER' group by status,type; select username,machine,status,count(*) cnt from v$session where type='USER' group by username,machine,status having count(*) > 50 order by cnt desc, status,machine,username; select username,machine,status,count(*) cnt from v$session where type='USER' and status='ACTIVE' group by username,machine,status having count(*) > 5 order by cnt desc, status,machine,username; select username,machine,status,count(*) cnt from v$session where type='USER' and status='INACTIVE' group by username,machine,status having count(*) > 5 order by cnt desc, status,machine,username; |